Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Clemo, Frederick Charles 紀廉武 (St. John's)

Updated December 23, 2014

[Worshipful Master, St. John's Lodge 618 (1932)]
Clemo was engineer of China Light and Power from 1921 to 1924. He was promoted to be Superintendent in 1925, a position he kept until the fall of Hong Kong in 1941.
He had a son, Alfred Bertram Clemo, who also worked for China Light & Power, as an assistant between 1927 and 1934, and as assistant accountant from 1935 until the fall of Hong Kong in 1941.

Selected bibliography: Hong Kong Government, Jurors List 1921 through 1940. The Skirret, Lodge St. John No.618 [online].


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